In my bedroom, I have many picture frames. Some contain pictures, others hold autographed band posters. But there is one that frames something that is a big motivator in my life. A piece of white lined paper, and between each blue line contains a goal that I am hoping to achieve. It is a page long. And every item I achieve, I cross off.
I currently have three crossed off: Makeover my room, sell something to a customer at work, and met someone famous. Nothing too major, but that is what this list is. Not insane things that I would love to do, but reasonable things that require some courage and effort on my part to make happen. Other things that are on this list that I would hope to cross off by the end of the summer are:New tattoo, road trip to nowhere, finish a writing project, grow hair past shoulders, go to a college orientation, learn how to work the pizza ovens and slicer at work, and single handily put Slipknot back together.
There are few more, that are more personal. And even some that aren't so personal, but if I were to list them here, then it would take much less bravery on my part, and I don't like to make things easier on myself.
I wrote this list on the 25th of January, and I haven't made much progress. But, when I came home from work Friday, I noticed the list propped up on my desk. It was almost sad. Three things out of thirty. Maybe it was because I was having such a crappy night, or maybe it was because I had was already pissed off, but I suddenly became determined to do these things, with the goal of bettering myself.
Ramblings of a seventeen year old girl? Sure, call it what you want. But I am going to start crossing some things off this list, and I know I will face obstacles. People might try to stop me, or tell me some of these things I will not get to do for one reason or another, but they have no power over me. Get in my way, and I will knock you out.
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