Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Blog.

It seems to me that the Chinese love to comment irrelevant things under all my post!
Anyways, I'm back. Back home, back to blogging.
My stuff is hardly unpacked, and I should be doing that right now, but it's getting old, packing and unpacking. So I am taking a break.
I am stoked for classes to start, and fall to be here. Monday's and Wednesday's I have classes from 9:10 til 12:45. Tuesday's and Thursday's I have classes from 9:10 til 1:20, and then another from 4:35 til 6:30 or something like that.
Monday's, Friday's, and Sunday's I work. Saturday I rest, or party, same thing really.
Anyways, I haven't been blogging much because this summer got pretty crazy and busy. But since my friends left for college last week, I have had a lot of extra time on my hands.

Oh well, I can't wait for school to start.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Adult Thing

No one blog's anymore!
Now that I got that out...
Due to certain situations that have arisen on the home front, I will be moving out sooner or later. And I don't mean in a year or two. I mean in a week or two.
I will be taking up residence with my cousin, if I get the okay form her boyfriend's brother who also lives there.

So here's to me being an adult, and being out on my own for the most part.