Some great dates coming up, and far away:
March 27th - Placement exams.
April 1st - Pick up prom dress!
April 2nd - Leave for spring break in Florida, be home on the 8th(Got an awesome retro bathing suit top, as seen above! Ignore the gay face.)
May 27th - Prom <3
June 1st & 2nd - Senior finals.
June 3rd - Senior breakfast, and commencement walk through.
June 5th - Graduation, followed by Senior All Night Party.
June 6th - My cousin's baby shower.
June 10th - Freshman orientation.
June 12th - Dance recital.
June 19th - Graduation party at mothers.
June 20th - My worst hangover ever.
June 26th - Graduation party at fathers (with moon bounce!)
August 3rd - My 18th birthday!
Things I will do on/after this day?
- Play bingo!
- Go to a strip club with some of my friends.
- Buy my own cigarettes.
- Use the meat slicer at work! (I may need someone to come in Monday night around 11:30, we can party, and then I can slice something for the first time ever!)
- I am going to the Tigers game hopefully.
- Older men can legally hit on me.
- Go clubbing.
- Buy lotto tickets.
- Get another, and many more tattoos/ piercings.
- Go into bars.
- Get my debit card.
- Stay out all night, even if it isn't at a girlfriends house.
- No curfew.
- Vote.
Let's just say, I am syked about the rest of this year in general.
I am also very stoked to start college next year, and finish it in the planned four. It took forever, but I am finally becoming an adult, and I am proud of the choices I've made in the past because they make me who I am today.
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