Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Dream

has come true. I now have long hair again (:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I've Given Up

Yes I have given up, and thrown away, the mass majority of my cosmetics. I now have a bin on my desk that contains cover up, mascara, and several shades of brown eyeshadow. It took many many years of layering on the makeup to realize that I probably look better with less of it on. I probably wouldn't have come to this conclusion if my mouse Gus hadn't died. Weird connection, but I promise there is one.

The other day I had to remove Gus's cage from my desk, the one that holds my TV, books, and any products I use in the morning to get ready. After throwing out his cage, I decided that it was about time I cleaned off this white desk that was now covered with powders and hair product grime. I noticed that I had a shitload of makeup that I never wear, and perfume that I also never use. So I threw all that clutter away.

The remaining contents of my "Getting Ready" box now includes: Mousse, hairspray, water, D&G perfume, Axe deodorant, cover up, mascara, and brown eyeshadow. I would say this is a sign that I am growing up. Woo!

On that note, I have decided what I want to do for my 18th birthday, a strip club is involved I'm thinking. Oh it will be joyful!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Cross I Bare

On a daily basis, lately at least, I get sinus migraines. I don't think people can truly understand how horrible these can be, until they experience one. Since mine are sinus triggered, my personal symptoms are more than just the sensitivity to light and sound. I also usually end up on the bathroom floor due to drainage.

I have been getting them since I was very young, in elementary school, the secretaries in the office never believed my head actually hurt because I was down there at least three times a week with one. I get them less often now thanks to many years of weekly allergy shots. But the past week, I have had one almost everyday.

What makes my experience even worse, is that I start loosing my vision about an hour before the headache actually hits. So it's kind of like waiting for a big storm to hit. You see all the signs that it's coming, but can't really do anything about it, except wait it out.

This loss of vision seems to happen at the worst times too. Friday, for example, I went to school for two of six hours so I could take a math test. In 2nd hour I felt great, I was dancing and everything. But once 3rd hour came, and I started the test, my vision quickly became impaired.

Pills. People are constantly telling me to take pills, but they don't really help. The only thing that has ever made a headache go completely away, is weed. (Does that make me eligible for medical marijuana? I wish.) Lately a few hours of sleep, and then doing something to take my mind off the pain does the trick to make it go away.

So I am going to sleep now, and the doctors tomorrow. Unfortunatly, I called off work for tonight. But I have worked with this bad of a migraine before, and I thought I was going to pass out. So, it is days like today that I am very happy I have covered for others in the past. Nevertheless; I am still semi pissed that I mad it all 3 years without ever calling in sick. But I guess there is a first time for everything.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Skinny Jeans and Brown Platform Stilettos

I must confess my love, for secondhand stores. From antique shops and your basic thrift, to places like Plato's Closet that cater just too teens. It may take some time, but if you thumb through everything at a decent pace, you can find some of the best things.
If I look to my left, I see the portable record player, and multiple records I've collected from different shops. To my right, are the pumps I found today at Plato's. And in front of me are the many picture frames I have acquired at DAV and the Salvation Army.
Some people may think they are too good for thrifting, or think the idea of wearing something that once belonged to someone else is gross. I think that it is a brilliant way to save some coin, and, truth be told, buy something that you know no one else owns.
Perhaps it's just because thrift clothes fit my personal style, but I find better clothing at thrift stores than I do at Forever 21. Retro is the way to go. That is my day to day motto. And if I'm not feeling retro, then plain and simple with some flair is the next best thing.
So, main point to this entry is: Shop at thrift stores, because you never know what great things you'll find.