Thursday, September 3, 2009

move on, or out.

So, I filled out an application online today for Central Michigan University. My grades aren't as great as they should be, but I still have a decent shot at getting in.
My mother however has denied to pay the application fee, because she is dead set on me staying home and going to University of Michigan Dearborn. And even if I do go there, she has threatened to take my car away if I try to move out.
So here's my thing. Nothing against U of MD, but I really do not want to go there. I really do want to get out of my house, and even if that means asking my dad if I can move in with him, I will do it.
Most would say I can't afford to move out on what I make. But to be honest, I would take a second job (which I plan on doing next summer, and saving all earnings) to pay the bills.
Ugh, it has been a bad night.


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