Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy september.

Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone?
Sure, why not?

Have you done anything sneaky lately?
Yeah, probably.

Is love really worth fighting for?
Yeah, always.

Have you broken the law in the last 3 days?
Yes, I speed.

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?

At your best friend's house, do you know where they keep their silverware?
Yes sir.

What color is YOUR hair?
Eh, it's fading to a reddish brown.

Do you look decent when you wake up?
Now I do, since I got my new hair cut.

Say you marry the last person you texted, what's your new last name?

Are any of your texts in your inbox locked and why?
None, I feel no need to forever save text.

What's the last thing you laughed really hard over?
That 70's Show.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
No, I forgot to shut the shade last night, so the sun woke me up.

If you could go back in time, how far back would you go?
I don't think I would.

If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?

Do you wear your seat-belt in the car?

Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?

In the past week have you cried?
I've come close, I never really break down now.

When is the next time you'll fly on a plane?
God, I have no clue.

Does someone like you right now?
Yes, I do.

Do you think you will be married in 5 years?
Who knows?

What were you doing at 12:00 last night?
Coming home from taking Kyle to Al's house.

Do you like anyone right now?
Of course.

Do you ever think about the past?
Yeah. I am trying to get past it.

As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
That 70's Show.

Last person you hung out with?

What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?

If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you?
Sure, I don't think she would want to though.

Would you ever eat a bug for 1,000 dollars?

Do you have any older siblings?

How did you get your last bruise?
Um, I burned my neck with the curling iron.

Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
Eh, pretty much.

Are any of your friends taller than you?
All of them.

1 comment:

Eric said...

If there were no letters on the keys on your keyboard could you still type?

I like to think I'd do pretty well in that situation. We actually had letter-less keyboards in my eleventh grade typing class. These days I'd probably grab a marker and write the letters back on within minutes.

Happy September.