The perfect Saturday consist of a few, amazing things. Who knew the simple pleasure of driving around town with a window rolled halfway down would be so satisfying? The sun shined all day, and although I was my only company as I strolled into Westland Mall, I was not at all dismayed.
After leaving with a new pair of shades, a green skirt that couldn't possibly be any tighter, and a floral pink and purple tank top, I dialed my dad's number, in hopes that he would be up to an impromptu visit from his favorite daughter.
One hour, and a tank top change later, I drove home to the sweet sounds of Lil Jon, and John Mayer, and I made a quick realization. I had already driven past at least ten people I knew. It was as if, everyone had come out from their caves.
An hour later, Tommy and I began to wander around downtown Plymouth, and quickly settled down on a couch at The Bean. An hour of talking later, and we decided two things; using a cantaloupe is the best way to ask a girl to prom, and we want The Buried Life to speak at our graduation next June. And it was to me and Tommy's amazement, that it was still bright out when we walked towards his car at seven.
Once home, an empty home, I felt the need to clean. Didn't do much good, considering that Larry and Maya came home and made a new mess, that I didn't bother cleaning up yet. I did however, grab my laptop, cell phone, and some Tim Hortons, and began my long stay on the couch in the basement.
What a wonderful Saturday.
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