Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well This Week Is Just Peachy

Yes, finals are going horribly, and I may end up with a C, two D's, and three A's on my report card. I ran out of gas, and don't get paid till Friday. The reality of college kicked in today when I visited U of M-Dearborn. And the year isn't even half way over.
To add to this week or wonderfulness, I am now single, which I can't say is a horrible thing. So I refuse to let that ruin my week.
My social life is currently hanging by a thread, because no one really wants to hang out anymore.
And! I found out no one will take me to the Tigers V. Chicago White Sox game on my birthday /:

Someone must take me, I demand it.
But here are the classes I am ending my high school career with:
  • Lit. Appreciation
  • Research Techniques
  • Statistics
  • Physics
  • Sociology
  • Community Service

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