Was great. And went by super fast. The food was nasty. The music was good. And man did I look fat in my dress. But the highlight was Friday. We only made it on four rides at Cedar Point, it was jut too hot. Friday night was... well interesting... I'll tell more later if asked.
I am tired, and I just uploaded a trillion pictures on facebook which took way too long. Not to mention the best ones can't be put up. Well lets just say beer pong isn't my game. And the guys decided they were too cool for jeans or shirts.
Now I have nothing to do for the night. But I guess I am kinda happy, I just want to take a shower and wait for tomorrow to come so I can watch the New Moon preview on Myspace at 7:45. And the Movie awards are on!
I really don't know what else there is to say, except I am pretty satisfied with the past few days. I like to think I made some better friends :D.
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