I'm not gonna lie. It is still a bit unorganized. But since I can see wood, I am happy. From four till nine thirty (with a two hour break for dinner at Logan's) I have been cleaning my room. Most of the work was done in my closet and my dresser drawers. It was amazing to me... I have some steak stuck in my back teeth... how much clothing I had that I never wear, and haven't worn since I was like twelve.
The biggest example is my PJ drawer. I haven't worn "PJ's" since I was like ten. I currently sleep in shorts and a tank. So all that went in the trash, as well as my training bras from like five years ago.
I must say I am proud of my mannequin. It is amazing how easy it is to hide a ton of shit you can't find a place for, and some clothes you never wear. Honestly, I would totally wear this outfit, minus tie and necklaces.
So I am off to chill and watch The Dule now.
On a good note I get to go to Cedar Point the weekend after prom.
That means like ten people packed into a hotel room, minus rents :D.
Ahhh freedom.
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