Monday, April 20, 2009

I got a pretty new dress.

Yes, the first time I have bought a dress for something other than a school function. But you have to subtract the white sports bra; I'm getting ready for bed.
On another note I am also getting a new bed eventually. My full size one is a waste of room considering the only people who sleep in it are me, and occasionally Alex or Brandon. So I am getting ride of the giant bed and replacing it with this day bed from IKEA, only $99, and I need a mattress. Although it will help me achieve my goal of having a more open young adult friendly room, it will force my over night guest to sleep on the floor, or take both of us to the giant couch downstairs... or we could always get really close on the new twin ;D

In very recent news; about ten seconds ago I removed my eyebrow ring for good. It still hasn't healed proporly, so I give up.

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