I am getting ready for tomorrow, so I put the outfit I am wearing on my sewing mannequin and noticed my lumberjack, plain, long sleeve shirt was wrinkly.
We don't own an iron, my mom refuses to iron.
So what do I do? I grab the $100 straightener from the bathroom that my mother and sister use to tame their wildly curly hair.
It has worked pretty good so far. Cuffs and collar are super straight.
Anywhoser, it will be a pretty busy week.
Monday includes the usual, school and work.
Tuesday I am chilling with Brandon and going to dance.
Wednesday, school of course, and then saying goodbye to Brandon before he leaves for Florida.
Thursday I have school, dance, hanging out with Alex.
And Friday I am being given fifty dollars to buy books for the trip, so me and Alex are going tanning and to Borders.
Saturday I have to endure an eight hour ride to WV.
There's a good chance I wont blog at all next week, but I got a new cool notebook, and will be sure to take notes.
(the picture is my old ratty cat Buddy, he is dying, but I love him.)
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