Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shop lifting in Ann Arbor.

It is so much easier than you would think.

west virgina Pictures, Images and Photos
So, a full week of school and then four more days, then spring break. I am starting to rethink hating this WV situation. Although I am bummed I wont be with my friends and I have to miss out on working, I have discovered some things I will be happy to do down there.
So, here's a list of what I plan on doing with all my time:
  1. Writing, I have so many random files on my desktop with great starts for a novel, I might as well work on them.
  2. Read, a ridiculous amount.
  3. Lay out in the sun, not in a bathing suit or anything, but it should be nice out.
  4. Hike, I love hiking, and considering we are directly in a mountain it should be fun.
  5. Borrow many DVD's from other peoples collections, mine is very slim.
  6. Catch crawdads in the creek :D

Thursday, March 26, 2009

one of the boys

not mine Pictures, Images and Photos

Everything's back to normal, except Brandon is going to Daytona Beach or whatever and I am stuck wifiless in WV for spring break.
Prom is on still, so I still have to make payments on the dress for a few more weeks.
Maybe for spring break, I will actually get some editing and writing done :D

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what we will do with low funds.

Me and Alex were desperate for entertainment today so we did a few fun things.
We drove to Senate and discussed the me and Brandon situation, I accidentally burped super low and loud, so I hid under the table for a few.
We spent exactly $13. And that is exactly how much we left Alex's house with.

We drove around for a few with my small dry erase board against the driver side window, it read, "IM JAIL BAIT!" next to an arrow that pointed up towards me. We got many laughs and caught many starring old men.

A great idea came to me, "lets get some post-it-notes and a marker and go to the meijers parking lot. So we went to Alex's and got the supplies. We chose to only stick a few happy notes on unknowing meijers, micheals, and petsmart shoppers.

After spreading happiness, we went tanning. And I wrote "Bite me, please?" on the dry erase board.

As you can see, we have no lives on wednesdays and also have no money.

In later news, my mom swears this white stuff in tin foil my dog just found in the backyard is crack. I thought you had to pay a lot of money to have that talented of a dog. As of right now the most talented thing I've seen it do id be persistent. See, every time I come home, he pees on my foot or the floor near it.

summer needed.

MySpace Countdown Clocks

enough said.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

a little personal.

But I am a dedicated blogger.
One year and one month, gone, and now I have no boyfriend.
Talk about lame.

Anyways, off to write my paper on Gay Adoption Rights, since I have nothing better to do on a Saturday night.

twilight adventure.

Sure, sure. There were hundreds of copies at Meijer. But where is the adventure in that?

Me and Alex got off my couch at 1130 and headed to Wal-Mart. It looked a little fishy, so we decided it was a night for adventure. We drove to Westland mall with the intention of going to Hot Topic for the mid-night release. As we turned the corner to be greeted by a super long line stretching through the eniter section of the mall that caters to calander and body art carts.
The people we're interesting and Alex and I ultimitly agreed we weren't wearing enough black to get in that line. We headed for FYE. As the last people in line we were given the last two raffel tickets. Well Alex got the last one, and won the poster that was being raffled.
There isn't much after that, just a long line and a little worry when it came my turn and I saw that almost everyone else had reserved their copy. Nevertheless; me and Alex got ours and came home to watch the movie and extras on the first disc :D

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

yes I am one of those Twilight people.

perfect moment Pictures, Images and Photos

Woo, the movie is out Saturday. I will watch it over and over again till I know every single line by heart. Just kidding, I already know the lines by heart.
My day has been horribly exciting.
I went to school, I made Ramen noodles at Brandon's (and decided I will live by the WRAMP diet in college... waffles, ramen, apples, macaroni, and pudding.).
I just got home and received my invite to Danvilles wedding. Woot! I love places where I know only five people. Well let's just say, I make things awkward easily. Should be fun though.

Off the the rec to work out!
Two days at the gym, two days dancing.
I will be in summer shape in no time :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


screams Pictures, Images and Photos

I can honestly say I have not felt this down in awhile. And the weird thing is, nothing at all has changed in the past couple days. If anything, the week has been great so far. The one thing that sucks is these three straight days of testing that juniors have to do, and thank god tomorrow is the last day. Fuck ACT's. I know I will probably not score super great. But anyways, the point is I am so tired. This test shit is wearing on me. I was bored when I got home from school today, and I figured since it was my only free night of the week I would have some me time and go running at the rec. Once I got on the treadmill I turned on City and Colour's new CD and closed my eyes(while holding on tight to the handle bar thing.) So yeah, I drifted away and soon enough 20 minutes were up and I got in my 2 miles for the day. 25 sit ups, it was all I could manage considering some dude had his eyes on me since I got on the treadmill, and I wanted to get out of there and come home. Well he followed me from the lockers to the stairs and did that whole "Ugh hm." thing to get my attention but I refused to turn around, freak. Anyways, he followed me down the stairs and I flew out the door as quick as possible. That bullet dodged.
Wow, what a rant! And it keeps going. I got home to my family leaving for my little sisters concert at school and they were all like "Oh, you want to come?" and I was all like "Oh! I look like shit and am baking in sweat underneath this sweatshirt." They left. I tried to write, fuck writing a book. It takes years supposidly and I am to impatient. I got one idea and it was relating how cheese and crackers always sounds good and taste good for the first few and then you are sick of them and wish you never cut up the damn cheese in the first place.
Oh! And to top it all off, Toshi died. Or is dieing. Toshi is my TV. I never gave it that name until it started taking 10 minutes to turn on after hitting the power button. Lets just say, I turned it on at 4 yesterday and when I got home from dance at 8 it was still clicking away trying to turn on. It's hard for me, I cried. I have been falling asleep to a TV since I was 12 or 13. I am horribly scared of the dark and a nightlight wont do. I need like moving light and sound to feel safe.

On the plus, I might not be going to WV for spring break, but because Brandon rather work (same here !) and my mother trust and loves me. But she really has no reason not to, I haven't done anything bad in awhile.

That's my rant.
All I want right now is:
  1. midol.
  2. my tv to turn on.
  3. the weekend to be here.
  4. summer!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Canadians and a Red Wings Murder.

So Brandon's family hosted some Canadians this weekend, friends of friends. They are from London, Ontario. One didn't speak any English. Two spoke and understood some. It was a little hard to get through to each other at first, but things started to flow easier towards the end of the night.
Now on to the Red Wings game. 8 to 2! We lost so bad, I thought they were really good. As of last night I realized I have never been to a Tigers game, Red Wings game, or Lions game, where we have won. Except once when me and my dad left early because the Tigers were loosing and then we got to the car to hear they were in the top of the 12th, winning. So my goal this year is to go to a game where the team I am supporting actually wins.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

prom update,

I bought a dress today.
I went to a store called Eva's Bridal Collection where I was told if I picked out a dress they would run it through the system and make sure no one else from my school had it. Only thing that sucked was if someone else had that dress I couldn't get it. But it didn't really matter because these were like $400 dresses. I explained I was on a $200ish budget and was escorted down the strip mall to the discount retail store. I tried on many dresses and it came down to two dresses. One was pewter and the other was a pinkish with blackish to it. I chose the pewter, it was only $165 and fit me better. And even though it was to long... like many things in this world, I took it. Mom paid the down payment of $50. Now I have to make weekly payments on it till I pay it off and then it is mine.

So, since I don't have a picture of it. I will describe it.
The top is a drop waist and plain except for the random jewel and the bottom edge is lined with them. The bottom is a few layers of ruffles and then the fabric like falls. idk. Guess you are really concerned, but you will have to wait till prom to really see it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Taylor Swift.

I downloaded her Fearless CD and wondered why I stopped listening to country music.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

art historian.

When thinking about what I want to go to college for I often imagine myself telling others what I am majoring in. "Oh yeah, I'm majoring in art history." And some will be impressed. Others will smile and say it's cool. But I think that is what I want to do.
I have always just said I wanted to do something medical because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and that seemed like the easy out. But I was doing some research and I think it would be cool to major in art history. I could work in galleries and museums. Or I could get my masters and teach it. I'm not really sure if I will want this in a year when applying to colleges. But It's kinda what I want now.