It has always been the words that relieved me. I could always go thorough something rough and remember that sometime in the not so distant future I would be out on my own. Or in college learning to do the few skills that would get me by through life. Today I got home from my SADD meeting and saw a letter on the table for me. It was from U of M Dearborn, not one of my top choices, but still. And I realized I have no clue what I really want to do with my precious future.
People always ask me what I would like to go to college for or what I would like to be when I am out of college and I systematically answer "Something in the medical feild." But I honestly think I only picked this career because it was easy. I know what classes I would need, I know how many years, I know my job options after college and I know that I will more than likely have a job when I graduate. But do I really want this?
I want to write, I want to be an assistant, I want to help people, and just do so much more. Is there such a job? I figure writing can be persued with any path I choose.
So the question remains, "What do I want to do for the rest of my life?" Who know's? maybe I will work at Amico's for the rest of my life... I guess that doesn't sound to bad.
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