Saturday, February 28, 2009
celll phones with no color
if you ever owned a Nokia cell phone, the ones that you know, weren't flip phones and the screen consisted of a ugly green color and black text. Then you probably remember this game.
I played it so much the numbers on all my keys wore off. Enjoy! Play! It's just as addicting as tetris.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

New schedule for my week till June.
Work twice a week.
Dance Tuesday and Thursday (which cuts into my office time).
Wednesday is Laundry day.
Friday and Sunday are usually my free days.
I can't wait till summer.
I plan on spending all my free days in the sun.
I would like to pick up as many days as possible at work.
More than three at least.
I will drive around with the windows down.
Back seat packed with people.
Tigers games.
True Blood :).
Trips to Ann Arbor.
Time to reconnect with drifting friends.
Then senior year.
I plan on spending all my free days in the sun.
I would like to pick up as many days as possible at work.
More than three at least.
I will drive around with the windows down.
Back seat packed with people.
Tigers games.
True Blood :).
Trips to Ann Arbor.
Time to reconnect with drifting friends.
Then senior year.
I got a parking pass and the mini van is all mine as of Tuesday night.
I will be taking the middle seat out.
Brandon and some others offered to get the dent out of the side door.
I think that dent gives it character.
I will keep it.
I am off to watch more Law and Order: SVU on Netflix on demand.
It and the book Tweak are my new addictions.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
5 lbs lighter.

So, it is 3 in the morning, one of my later nights. I just came back up to bed from the basement and was flipping channels and stopped on USA, guess what's on USA at 3 in the morning? RAW :D it is so fucking fake, it's like watching a comedy but with bad actors.
Bowling went well, except I was with like... whoa, I have to stop, some wrestler just kicked this ladies face into the ground... anywhoser, I was with like 10 guys. Basically, I am surprised we didn't once again get thrown out. I hadn't been to Mayflower since the remodel, and I will say this. The new decor is very nice. But yeah, being with a ton of guys and one other girl takes a long time, and when you are paying by hour you can only get about a game and a half in. Besides the fact that I suck, I decided I need lessons.
Anyways, I am off to sleep. Ruby Tuesdays tomorrow.
Oh an the picture is from Shelby's the other weekend.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
death doesn't scare me, it fears me.
Beer and cigars :d
I can only play tetris so many times before it gets old.
I already beat the online game and hit level 20.

(it's so pretty...)
Anywhoser, I didn't go up north due to lack of snow. And instead spent Saturday on my bathroom floor, me and Brandon's valentines day celebrations included him showing up with roses and me falling asleep with a huge head ache and upset tummy. I later re awoke and we went and got pot bellys and watched Tropic Thunder... (No you can't have any fucking jelly beans!) it was funny. And my tv which is slowly dying came back to life. Today I went to the mall, alone and lame. I bought two new books, Tweaked: Growing up on methamphetamines and The Truth About Forever. Woooo1 I love getting a new book let alone two.
Helping my sister with her photos for school later. Movies and work tomorrow.
I already beat the online game and hit level 20.

(it's so pretty...)
Anywhoser, I didn't go up north due to lack of snow. And instead spent Saturday on my bathroom floor, me and Brandon's valentines day celebrations included him showing up with roses and me falling asleep with a huge head ache and upset tummy. I later re awoke and we went and got pot bellys and watched Tropic Thunder... (No you can't have any fucking jelly beans!) it was funny. And my tv which is slowly dying came back to life. Today I went to the mall, alone and lame. I bought two new books, Tweaked: Growing up on methamphetamines and The Truth About Forever. Woooo1 I love getting a new book let alone two.
Helping my sister with her photos for school later. Movies and work tomorrow.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I hate:
R rated movies.
old men with hearing problems, behind bullet proof glass.
needless to say, I hated the movies last. Taken wasn't until 10:50... unlike said. And every other good movie was rated R so when the dude asked for ID I said I forgot mine and he said Brandon had to be 21 to buy more than one ticket so I basically told him to fuck off. And then went home.
old men with hearing problems, behind bullet proof glass.
needless to say, I hated the movies last. Taken wasn't until 10:50... unlike said. And every other good movie was rated R so when the dude asked for ID I said I forgot mine and he said Brandon had to be 21 to buy more than one ticket so I basically told him to fuck off. And then went home.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
the future.

It has always been the words that relieved me. I could always go thorough something rough and remember that sometime in the not so distant future I would be out on my own. Or in college learning to do the few skills that would get me by through life. Today I got home from my SADD meeting and saw a letter on the table for me. It was from U of M Dearborn, not one of my top choices, but still. And I realized I have no clue what I really want to do with my precious future.
People always ask me what I would like to go to college for or what I would like to be when I am out of college and I systematically answer "Something in the medical feild." But I honestly think I only picked this career because it was easy. I know what classes I would need, I know how many years, I know my job options after college and I know that I will more than likely have a job when I graduate. But do I really want this?
I want to write, I want to be an assistant, I want to help people, and just do so much more. Is there such a job? I figure writing can be persued with any path I choose.
So the question remains, "What do I want to do for the rest of my life?" Who know's? maybe I will work at Amico's for the rest of my life... I guess that doesn't sound to bad.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
because my mom messed something up on the calculator and I accidentally cleared it, as if it was really that hard to look at the bills again and re type the ten numbers. She flipped out on me so I ran into the living room telling her that I was sorry and I would re type them for her, she still flipped so I did the childish thing and slammed my door. Her and Larry yelled for me not to slam my door. So what do I do? I open my door three times in a row and slamming it shut. So I am "grounded". As if I had plans for tonight that required me to leave my room.
So I am being punished with my laptop, cell phone and tv all still present.
Anywhoser, the concert was great! Lots of pot, moshing and what not. I am pretty sure Brandon's hands never left my waist in fear of me being sucked into the pits. We were on the main floor which required us to sign a waiver saying we wouldn't do shit (bite, punch, kick, touch inapropriatly, and what not.) but it wasn't anyones fault if it did happen. We had to sign to get our bracelettes to gain entry to the main floor. Did you know you must be four foot tall and at least 16 to be on the main floor? Yeah. Neither did I.
After Trivium we went on the search for the meet and great. We asked thousands of employees:
"Wait here, they will come get you."
"I'm a supervisor, but I don't know."
and then finally,
"You need to go to will call ofr bracelettes."
I was told someone was coming to get us so I didn't think we needed them. So when we couldn't get in we were lead to the wrong will call, then the right one. Then I got a call from my connection telling me that Corey Taylors fiance was back at our starting point looking for us. So we ran. We made it, some employee claimed she told us to wait there, she didn't.
She lead us downstairs and backstage to the line. There were about 50 people and we were towards the end, behind us was some people with 89X tee shirts on and cool hair. And I hear someone call my name from that group. So naturally I whipped my head around to see some guy with great sense of style holding my license, which I ended up loosing track of three times during the night. I later realized Jay Hud(son) a 89X jock was the stylish guy with good hair. He does the shows on the week nights where you vote for different bands and songs and what not.
We finally got in the room to meet and greet. There behind a table was Corey Taylor:
"Hey." he says.
"Hey, do you know Laree Smith?"
"Yeah." he replies.
"I'm her neighboor!"
"Awesome man..." he signed I moved onto dickface.
There were no words exchanged except for a "Thanks Man." in my toughest voice. The same for Sid, and then there was Clown. I said thanks and he held his hand up or something.
We were ushered into another line for pictures. All five of us squeezed into the picture and the guys squated in front of the band and Corey Taylor said I was short enough to not have to and then we were re ushered out of the backstage area.
That is most the exciting shit. We went and watched the show, I only got hit twice, once by some guy that spilled beer all over my side and then during Slipknots set, two shirtless guys rammed into my side and hit my fac e, so some guys next to me started punching them.
Laree my connection said she got me some guitar picks and is getting my shirt signed for me today. She went out to lunch with him and when I saw the fucking deer in their driveway my mom called her and Laree said I must have took some fucked up drugs last night and then told Corey taylor and fiance that I claimed to have seen a deer in her driveway. I could hear them laughing. Oh an guess what?! I was right!
But whats new.
Oh and at some point everyone in the crowd crouched down and when Corey Taylor said jump the fuck up we had to jump the fuck up.
So I am being punished with my laptop, cell phone and tv all still present.
Anywhoser, the concert was great! Lots of pot, moshing and what not. I am pretty sure Brandon's hands never left my waist in fear of me being sucked into the pits. We were on the main floor which required us to sign a waiver saying we wouldn't do shit (bite, punch, kick, touch inapropriatly, and what not.) but it wasn't anyones fault if it did happen. We had to sign to get our bracelettes to gain entry to the main floor. Did you know you must be four foot tall and at least 16 to be on the main floor? Yeah. Neither did I.
After Trivium we went on the search for the meet and great. We asked thousands of employees:
"Wait here, they will come get you."
"I'm a supervisor, but I don't know."
and then finally,
"You need to go to will call ofr bracelettes."
I was told someone was coming to get us so I didn't think we needed them. So when we couldn't get in we were lead to the wrong will call, then the right one. Then I got a call from my connection telling me that Corey Taylors fiance was back at our starting point looking for us. So we ran. We made it, some employee claimed she told us to wait there, she didn't.
She lead us downstairs and backstage to the line. There were about 50 people and we were towards the end, behind us was some people with 89X tee shirts on and cool hair. And I hear someone call my name from that group. So naturally I whipped my head around to see some guy with great sense of style holding my license, which I ended up loosing track of three times during the night. I later realized Jay Hud(son) a 89X jock was the stylish guy with good hair. He does the shows on the week nights where you vote for different bands and songs and what not.
We finally got in the room to meet and greet. There behind a table was Corey Taylor:
"Hey." he says.
"Hey, do you know Laree Smith?"
"Yeah." he replies.
"I'm her neighboor!"
"Awesome man..." he signed I moved onto dickface.
There were no words exchanged except for a "Thanks Man." in my toughest voice. The same for Sid, and then there was Clown. I said thanks and he held his hand up or something.
We were ushered into another line for pictures. All five of us squeezed into the picture and the guys squated in front of the band and Corey Taylor said I was short enough to not have to and then we were re ushered out of the backstage area.
That is most the exciting shit. We went and watched the show, I only got hit twice, once by some guy that spilled beer all over my side and then during Slipknots set, two shirtless guys rammed into my side and hit my fac e, so some guys next to me started punching them.
Laree my connection said she got me some guitar picks and is getting my shirt signed for me today. She went out to lunch with him and when I saw the fucking deer in their driveway my mom called her and Laree said I must have took some fucked up drugs last night and then told Corey taylor and fiance that I claimed to have seen a deer in her driveway. I could hear them laughing. Oh an guess what?! I was right!
But whats new.
Oh and at some point everyone in the crowd crouched down and when Corey Taylor said jump the fuck up we had to jump the fuck up.
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