The trip was fun. New years was cool. I m glad i got to be with Brandon. I got home late Thursday night, a night early. Brandon got me sick. I feel like shit. Last night me and Alex went and saw Seven Pounds... the beginning was all over the place, the end made me cry. And I am still putting things together in my head (Will Smith is possibly the hottest oldish black guy ever!). Me and Alex went back to my house and watched Mama Mia and I took a shot of three tablespoons of Niquill and passed out. Now I am laying in bed with my laptop and my noodles from Noodles & Company. I kinda want to die. Nap time, maybe going to rent a movie or two. I kinda want to get my hair done tomorrow. We'll see, I'm thinking one of these:

Oh and random, but next summer I get to get a tattoo. So I am getting this one, it represents the Maiden, Mother and the Crone.... so basically youth, fertilit and wiseness or the balance of body, mind and soul. It will be on my mid upper back.
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