- Rainy summer days.
- New books.
- Dreams I wish would come true.
- Dreams that do come true.
- Doing absolutely nothing.
- Oscoda.
- Lake Huron.
- The milky way, unhidden, in the sky above the beach.
- Thrift store t-shirts.
- Large purses.
- Arizona Ice Tea.
- Tanning.
- Slurpee's.
- Sunflowers.
- Tiger lilies.
- Being given flowers for no reason.
- Meaningless jewelry that I never take off.
- Antique shops.
- The idea of dancing, singing and tending at a bar. *
- Work.
- Dressing up.
- Getting prepared for school dances.
- Spirit week.
- Quotes that inspire me.
- Books that have lots of quotable material.
- Algebra.
- Thanksgiving Day parade.
- Snow on Christmas Eve.
- Writing.
- Sharpies.
- Sniffing white out.
- Those days when I love my body and myself.
- My book shelf.
- House M.D.
- Law and Order S.V.U.
- 80's movies.
- John Stewart.
- Optimistic people.
- Vanilla candles.
- Axe.
- Sweatshirts that are random.
- My iPod.
- The pictures that I put up around my room to remind me.
- Trying to be artistic.
- My letter jacket.
- Sushi.
- My dog Scully.
- Digital cameras.
- Him.
- You.
- Me.

* Coyote Ugly.
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