WORK WORK WORK, on Friday night. What fun, well at least it was pay day. Friday night after work was spent talking to Kerry about issues with boys and then I watched Lifetime movies, what a depressing way to fall asleep. Saturday was SO much FUN. The morning started out slow and then picked up. A 2 mile run at the rec center was so invigorating. Noodles and Bucks of the Star with Alex.
Later went to a make up dance class for about 45 minutes (God, I love lyrical). Came home to find out the party we were going to go to was off. So it was "girls night". I arrived clean and smelling good at Alex's house where her, Kerry and Andy were all piled on her bed. I jumped right in and turned on Lifetime, I was in the middle of a movie when I left my house.
Andy was making plans to leave and then we had a great idea "Lets get brandy over here.".... Brandy is the name that Alex and Kerry have given Brandon, don't ask why.
Oh the night got crazy, Alex and Kerry techno raved, me and Brandon... well we spent some time together. Alex ended up in some mini skirt, silver hooker heels and big white sunglasses....
Kerry had to leave, so me and Alex kicked Brandon out too. Then the night settled down. My Big Fat Greek Wedding came on, and we both fell asleep, till Alex made me get up at 5L40 and walk to Dunkin Donuts with her.
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