Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4th hour health class.

hot date
Not much fun. I thank god every day that we are in a lab though. Each day we are in a lab is one less day that we have to work. Only a few more weeks of school left. 4 or so to be exact.

People sit all around me. One is hot the other is nice. Cannot forget to mention that one is a guy and the other a girl. I have not much to say except hi.

I have been so stressed lately. I am finding it hard to manage my time. I have school, dance, work, friends and boyfriend. It is all hard for me to comprehend, but I like to give everyone equal time so I will deal.

I was going to turn in the best essay ever written about The Great Gatsby but since I e-mailed it to myself it wont print on these computers. Oh well. Time to wither away for 5 more minutes, then lunch time!


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