Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Something I Require
This week is a good one. I got to see Eclipse, which I loved, and I am getting a nice pay check on Sunday. I also got an idea for a writing project. Nothing too original, but I'm going to go with it.
Now that I have this Macbook Pro, I realize I can easily take pictures all the time, so here's a great one of me.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Party Pics :P

Sleeping is overrated. Who really needs it? Not me. I am filling out this here survey because A) I haven't posted anything in awhile, B) I haven't filled out one in awhile, and C) I am bored, but do not plan on sleeping till close to 6am.
What happened at 9:00 am today?
Al's alarm went off, so I woke up.
What's your current problem?
Man problems, well, boy problems.
Have you learned something new this week?
NY Diesel can f a b up.
Are you excited about anything today?
An empty house :D
Something you do when you are mad or upset?
Rant, or punch.
Do you delete people off of myspace?
I haven't been on Myspace in forever!
Did you cry at all today?
Yeah, I watched Remember Me, surprisingly sad.
Is there something you want to tell someone?
God yes.
Are you ticklish?
Do you miss someone?
Do you use an alarm clock?
The Nickolodeon alarm clock I've had forever.
What were you doing at 5 in the morning?
Waking up, surprisingly sober.
On average, what do you think you cry the most about?
What are you listening to?
How many girls would you just love to shoot?
One or two
Who was the last girl you talked to today?
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Sleeping in very late and working.
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Eh, you got to work for it too.
Has anyone told you lately that they would always be there for you?
Yes, Kelsey and Tommy.
Is this year the best year of your life?
It's going to be.
Is there something you're looking forward to this month?
Um, no.
Have you ever been to an art museum?
The DIA and CAI.
What's most stressful right now?
People be stressing and freaking out about the smallest things. Their stress, causes me stress.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night?
Not a chance.
How old do people usually guess you are?
Younger than I am.
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Are you texting anybody?
How many people do you have 'a thing' for right now?
Well, I am a single girl about to turn 18, 'a thing' consist of me see some attractive guy and yelling 'day-um!'
Where is the person you need most right now?
Their house.
Who was the last person in your bedroom other than yourself?
What's on your bedroom floor right now?
A bunch of crap.
Has a boy put their arm around you in the past five days?
Do you tend to make things complicated?
Eh, yes.
How do you feel right now?
Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Hug, yes.
What friend do you tell the most to?
How's your heart lately?
Bloody and beating.
Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?
Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes?
Deadman's Hill, on the hill.
Do you wear glasses?
If you could do something differently, would you go back?
What will you be doing in a half hour?
Falling asleep.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone with?
Do you regret something you did yesterday?
No, it was an odd, yet awesome experience.
Do you like someone?
Are you sarcastic?
When was the last time you smiled?
Um... I just smiled, just for this survey!
How late did you stay up last night and why?
Um 4. We drank, smoked, and passed out. I would've been out sooner, but some people wanted to talk about falling through the floor...
What is wrong with you right now?
Have you ever been around someone who was high?
Would you move to another country to be with the one you love?
What are you wearing right now?
White tank, green shorts.
Are you talking to someone while doing this?
If a bear attacked you, would you know how to defend yourself?
Do you like winter?
How clean is your room?
Not at all.
Do you currently want to scream at the top of your lungs?
I want to run through the halls of my high school.
What do you want right now?
A new book.
Do you like the color green?
It's my favorite color.
What book are you reading right now?
The Sky is Everywhere.
Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?
Do you like getting hugs from other people?
Sure, they are just grand.
Have you ever taken a bath with someone?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Super Syked!
Not because of the classes I registered for, but because I saw many attractive fraternity boys, and the whole aspect of starting college is rather exciting as well.
Now I know it doesn't really matter to anyone else, but here's my fall schedule:
Anywhoser, it should be a fun semester! Woo for college.
Now I know it doesn't really matter to anyone else, but here's my fall schedule:
- Monday: Math 131 (9:10-10:00), Art History of Asia (11:30-12:45)
- Tuesday: Math 131 (9:10-10:00), French 101 (11:30-1:20), Composition 105 (4:35-5:50)
- Wednesday: Math 131 (9:10-10:00), Art History of Asia (11:30-12:45)
- Thursday: Math 131 (9:10-10:00), French 101 (11:30-1:20), Composition 105 (4:35-5:50)
Anywhoser, it should be a fun semester! Woo for college.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
College Life
Thursday is my freshmen orientation. I am more than slightly nervous. I am very nervous, mostly because I have no clue what to expect. They tell us what we will be doing, but I don't know how to do these things. Basically, this is where my fear of new things really takes a major affect in my life.
With no doubts, I am sure everything will go well, but it's in my nature to worry anyways.
Now that I've officially graduated, people keep asking me if I feel any different since I know I am not going back to high school next year. The answer to that question is both, yes, and no.
No, I don't feel any different really. I mean, let's be serious, high school just ended less than a week ago. I am still looking through prom and graduation pictures that seem to appear in my news feed on Facebook every two minutes. I also haven't lost contact with any friends from graduation yet. My prediction is that once all the grad parties are over, and orientations have ended, and we've all started meeting new people, that is when it will sink in that I am no longer a high school student.
Yes, on occasion I start thinking about how I don't ever have to see the people I've strongly disliked over the past four years, and I am overjoyed. But that is pretty much the only aspect of life that has changed for me. (Besides the fact that I occasionally work till 10 now at work)
Nevertheless; I am excited to pick classes, meet new people to enjoy coffee with, and have a pretty kick ass summer. So here I go, into the world, as an adult? Gulp. Scary, isn't it?
With no doubts, I am sure everything will go well, but it's in my nature to worry anyways.
Now that I've officially graduated, people keep asking me if I feel any different since I know I am not going back to high school next year. The answer to that question is both, yes, and no.
No, I don't feel any different really. I mean, let's be serious, high school just ended less than a week ago. I am still looking through prom and graduation pictures that seem to appear in my news feed on Facebook every two minutes. I also haven't lost contact with any friends from graduation yet. My prediction is that once all the grad parties are over, and orientations have ended, and we've all started meeting new people, that is when it will sink in that I am no longer a high school student.
Yes, on occasion I start thinking about how I don't ever have to see the people I've strongly disliked over the past four years, and I am overjoyed. But that is pretty much the only aspect of life that has changed for me. (Besides the fact that I occasionally work till 10 now at work)
Nevertheless; I am excited to pick classes, meet new people to enjoy coffee with, and have a pretty kick ass summer. So here I go, into the world, as an adult? Gulp. Scary, isn't it?
Friday, June 4, 2010
I don't know why, but this seems like an emergency large enough to deserve it's own blog entry.
During the summer, my diet consist of: food from work, mac n' cheese, tuna, and RAMEN!
So, I was watching Man V. Food, and a Ramen restaurant was one of the challenges. I was craving some Ramen.
My house is notorious for ALWAYS having some Ramen either in the cupboard, or stored in the basement. So I go to the kitchen, no Ramen. Then I go to the basement, no Ramen. Then I go outside and ask my mom where all the Ramen is hiding. She tells me something I wish I could've gone my whole life without hearing, "I haven't bought Ramen in like three years, we must finally have ran out."
This was depressing. So I settled for tune, mixed with mayo and mustard, and Ritz crackers.
This was a sad night in the Fisher/ Hewitt household.
During the summer, my diet consist of: food from work, mac n' cheese, tuna, and RAMEN!
So, I was watching Man V. Food, and a Ramen restaurant was one of the challenges. I was craving some Ramen.
My house is notorious for ALWAYS having some Ramen either in the cupboard, or stored in the basement. So I go to the kitchen, no Ramen. Then I go to the basement, no Ramen. Then I go outside and ask my mom where all the Ramen is hiding. She tells me something I wish I could've gone my whole life without hearing, "I haven't bought Ramen in like three years, we must finally have ran out."
This was depressing. So I settled for tune, mixed with mayo and mustard, and Ritz crackers.
This was a sad night in the Fisher/ Hewitt household.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Final Day
Tomorrow is my final day of high school. I could not be happier! But, surprisingly, I am also quite sad. I realize now that it is really happening, this day we have all been counting down to for months. They said the year would fly by, and they were right. This morning, I said that these last two days would drag on because we are so close to the end. In reality, today went by fast, and I am sure tomorrow will go by even faster.My last day of high school will contain no first hour, a fake interview in second hour, a trip to student activities to award the Director her underground t-shirt in third hour, a test in fourth hour, a water balloon fight in fifth hour, and a ice cream sundae party in sixth hour.
I spent about ten minutes today decorating my van. It is pretty awesome.
A certain someone's mother told me that their child would like their car decorated too, so watch out! (:

They had a free photo booth at prom (: these were our best pictures of the night.
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