I am using dial up for the week. It is slow as fuck. As I wrote those first two sentences, the page was still loading. Anyways. I am bored, and kind of depressed because I found out that other than my birthday dinner and cheesecake tomorrow with the family, I am going to be alone in this cabin on my birthday night. Watching Roseanne no doubt.
Last night I watch Euro Trip and Zack and Miri Make A Porno, then fell asleep to Roseanne, only to awake on the couch at one in the morning to more Roseanne. And as I moved from the couch to the main bedroom, I contemplated grabbing one of the brownies I made yesterday.
I have completed various writing projects. About five, and if you're lucky, I might post something. Even though, according to Kyle it doesn't make sense and "Isn't his favorite." Whatever. I thought it was decent.
Only the plus side, I threatened to bite some middle aged woman today.
Our cabin is right on the water, we own up to the shoreline, and my family isn't to picky on people walking on "Our beach" But there are a group of people called S.O.S (Save our shores). They think that they own past the shoreline and into the water, impossible. Anyways, they don't like dogs, or people, walking on their "property". So I took Sckully for a walk and some lady was like "You better watch that dog, and clean up it's poop." And then she muttered under her breath, "I bet it would bite me if it wasn't on a leash." So I got kind of mad because Sckully of all dogs is so nice.
So I walked up onto this ladies land and dropped the leash and said, "Lady, I would bite you before my dog did. And I clean up my dogs shit." And I pointed out the plastic bag tied to the leash.
That was the highlight of my day. I threatened to bite some lady.
Anyways, here is one of the better things I came up with yesterday.
"You think you’re some kind of Superman
Trying to do what others can’t
So is it worth it
Risking life
Living on the edge
Nothing tying you down
What about the one who wanted you around
You’re not all you’re cracked up to be
Fly round the world
At a birds level of free
It just isn’t fair
And everywhere you go
You go knowing I can’t be there
Die in a second
Tell me
What’s your kryptonite
I just might use it to win my inner fight
Bring you home
Poison your world
Then save it to be called your lucky girl
You’re not all you’re cracked up to be
Fly round the world
At a birds level of free
It just isn’t fair
And everywhere you go
You go knowing I can’t be there
So try to apologize
Through letters and calls
I wont be there
But I wont be far at all
Down the street with your best friend
You left me for the world
So I guess I’m not really parting you for him
You’re not all you’re cracked up to be
Fly round the world
So at ease, so free
It just isn’t fair
And everywhere you go
From now on, I wont try to be there"
It's not really about Superman, I was just watching Superman Returns as I wrote it.
I mean, it's really about a girl, and she wants this guy to stay around, even if it means giving him the one thing that can kill him just so she can save him. All in all hoping he will want to stay around with her.