I have been grounded one freaking day and I am going to die of boredom, I actually took a 6 hour nap from 12 to 6ish.
Random Survey:
Do you have any sores in your mouth right now?
- eww no
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
- yeah
Do you have a cell phone?
- yes
What are you thinking about right now?
- beign fucking grounded sucks
Are you watching tv?
- nope, music time
Hows your hair?
- up and nasty
What color underwear are you wearing?
- pink, green and white polka dots :D
Do you text a lot?
- sometimes
What color are your toenails?
- red
Do you love your friends?
- of course
Do you love summer?
- better then going to school
Is your phone a piece?
- huh?
Is there someone you don't talk to that meant a lot to you?
- ehh yeah
Did the last guy/girl that hurt you ever apologize for hurting you?
- umm I don't think so, he doesn't even know he hurt me
How do you feel about premarital sex?
- ha. (like asking a skank how she feels about promiscuous sex)
If you were completely broke, would you sell your body?
- umm no thanks
Is your room messy?
- a little bit, I just cleaned
What brand shirt are you wearing?
- hanes :]
When was the last time you went to the mall?
- forever ago
If you FOUND a million dollars, would you try to find the owner?
- I would keep it
Is there any shopping bags around you and from where?
- no, that is surprising
Do you think anyone will read this survey?
- the few people that read my blog
Who is the last person that messaged you on Myspace?
- Stefany
Did you like back massages?
- yeah...
Are you cold?
- kinda hot actually
When was the last time you were at the beach?
- hmm a few weeks ago
When was the last time your mom/dad yelled at you?
- kinda today
Honestly, has anyone ever seen you in your underwear?
- a few people, a few people have seen me in less lol
Honestly, how many people have you completely fallen for?
- one
Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?
- white
Honestly, whats on your mind?
- oh, friends, my hone not vibrating, being grounded
Honestly, what made you last cry?
-my mom blaming me and grounding me for something I didn't do
Honestly, did you watch Shot of Love with Tila Tequila?
- no
Honestly, who or what makes you happy?
- friends, boy, work, dance
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
- OH MY GOD YES....... I want to cry because I can't see him
Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
- one, but I kinda let it slip
Honestly, have you ever made anyone cry?
- idk, I doubt it
Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
- I try really really hard to be, you have no clue what I do to keep a smile on
Honestly, if you could go back 3 months and change something would you?
- I don't think so
When was the last time you saw the first person on your top?
- this morning around 8?
Who is your last text?
- alex
What is the last vehicle you drove?
- mini van
What are you doing tomorrow?
- nadda then working
Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
- a few, but I just ignore them
Whats more romantic sunrise or sunset?
- sunrise, it means you must have had one killer night
If someone did like you, how should they let you know?
- just tell me, we will work it all out
What is bugging you right now?
- don't even ask
Whats something you wish you could understand better?
- people
How late did you stay up last night and why?
- well I didn't go to bed until like 1 pm today
Do you believe in love at first sight?
- maybe second or third sight
Do you hate the last boy/girl you were talking to?
- my mom? she's ok
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- Kerry
Where was your default picture taken?
- my living room
Who were the last people over your house?
- umm, I have no clue, I think Kerry for like ten minutes
What are you listening to?
- Jack Johnson
Who are your favorite people to talk to when you're down?
- idk, Kerry or Tommy or Alex
Something that made you laugh today?
- Kerry
Has anyone ever tried to shove their religion in your face?
- yeah, I hated it
Do you smile often?
- oh yes
What is your relationship status?
- taken
Last thing you ate?
- pizza
Who told you they loved you last?
- umm Kerry or Alex
Are you friends with any past flings?
- not really
Are you ticklish?
- way to ticklish
What were you doing a year ago today?
- working I am guessing or fucking around with my friends
How many times have you been in love?
- once
Where is your boyfriend right now?
- camp for 7 weeks :[
Last place you hugged someone?
- Cory's house
Last person you text messaged?
- Alex... psh
What kind of phone do you have?
- pink razor :[
Do you know anyone named Matt?
- a couple
What color is your hair?
- black
When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
- like a half hour ago
Do you like someone but aren't sure if they like you back?
- I know he loves me
What have you eaten today?
- pizza, subway, lots of gum
Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
- straight
Who was the last person you rode in a car with?
- amber
Do you currently have a hickey?
- no :[
Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
- Kerry
Do you think you're smart?
- some what
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
- ummm idk?
Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
- yeah, I was a waste
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- mom
Where are you right now?
- my room
Can you vote next election?
- nope
Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
- yeah
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
- just last night
Who did you last go out to eat with?
- Alex, Kerry and Andy
Do you have unlimited texting?
- Thank the lord!
Do you wear glasses?
- yeah, they hot
What are you looking forward to this month?
- the spree
Is the sun shining?
- no, it's night time
Are you happy with life right now?
- yeah
Would you ever smile at a stranger?
- I think it makes someones day every once and awhile
Are you currently jealous?
- not really
What jewelry are you wearing?
- just my head band thing I always wear
What were you doing at 10pm Friday night?
- umm talking to tommy?
What did you do today?
- doctors, cleaned my closet, nap, watched tv
Have you met anyone new since summer started?
- Austins girlfriend
What color pen ink do you like?
- black or blue
Whats the weather like?
- idk
Do you use cds or ipods more?
- iPod
What kind of camera do you have?
- out of order
Have you ever been to an amusement park?
- six flags and cedar point :]
Do you know how to burn a cd?
- umm yeah
What was your first word?
- idk
Shorts or capris?
- shorts
Do you believe in a best friend or a lot of good friends?
- best friend
How do you get paid?
- once a week
Whats your favorite thing about a letter opener?
- it doubles as a weapon
Closest object to you thats brown?
- tea mug
What will you be doing on your seventeenth birthday?
- idk, thats two birthdays away
Do you like getting mail?
- yeah! I wish I would get a freaking letter back from Brandon!
Do you like the way George Bush handles things?
- not at all
What are you listening to right now?
- Amy Winehouse
Do you like KFC?
- the bowls
When is the last time you went to the mall?
- you already asked, idfk
What do you want to be doing right now?
- fooling with Brandon, hey I am being honest
Do you sleep with the door open or shut?
- shut of course, I sleep naked basically
Whats your favorite thing about winter?
- snow
Are your nails painted? If so what color?
- chipped black
What color are your pants?
- black with a red stripe on the sides
Where do you live?
- L Town
If you could meet anyone in the world - RIGHT NOW - who would you want to meet?
- Jimmy Urine
Whats your favorite smell?
- gasoline
Listening to - Our Song by Taylor Swift
Girl All The Bad Guys Want by Bowling for Soup
Shake It by Metro Station
Samson by Regina Spektor
Better Together by Jack Johnson
The Sounds of Settling by Death Cab for Cutie
Stay Beautiful by Taylor Swift
You Know I'm No Good by Amy Winehouse