I should be cleaning my room.
Ha! ROOM, more like a closet I barely have room to think let alone put stuff away. Maybe my family thinks that confining me to a small room will keep me out of some trouble, to small to have a ton of people in, to messy to bring a boy in. They have no clue the evil schemes I come up with in this room. Makes me laugh when I think about what I have in here, the things they think I wont ever need or want.
I have so many pictures in here. Friends and family always watching over me, sketches and rough draft of poems that will never be published just laying around. My bulletin board alone inspires me to be creative. My walls are like a cry for attention, like an announcement on the school P.A. system "HELLO I AM DIFFERENT AND WANT TO BE CREATIVE, THANKS FOR HOLDING ME BACK!".
I think that is why I like to dance and sing, when I dance parents can't tell me what to do, or what I am doing wrong. When you dance you do whatever you want and if it looks wrong or awkward then it is so right. You go with the music, become the notes, but instead of dancing across the page you dance across a stage.